FAB Forever Active Boost™ Energy Drink
We all know how exhausting it can be living an active, busy lifestyle – from job deadlines and school pickups to soccer practice, grocery shopping and household chores. How can anyone have enough energy for that all the time? FLP has found a solution to help pick you up when your needle is on ‘empty’ – FAB Forever Active Boost™ Energy Drink.
FAB’s “boost” is different from other energy drinks because it gives you both immediate and long-term energy. The immediate boost comes from guarana, a natural ingredient that is very popular in Brazil, while the long-term energy is powered by ADX7 technology: a proprietary blend of adaptogenic herbs and other nutritionals developed by a leading Russian sports scientist and researcher. ADX7 has helped Russian track and field athletes win over 130 medals in Olympic competition!
FAB is a quick, refreshing way to stay energized and alert all day long. And it revitalizes you so you have the endurance and concentration to do all the things you have to do, plus the things you want to do.
When you’re trying to keep yourself and your family healthy, some of your biggest enemies are the ones you can’t see. Being an active family, you come in contact with just about everything—including plenty of germs.
L'objectif de se garder soi-même et toute la famille en bonne santé se heurte souvent à plusieurs obstacles qui sont ,pour la plupart, invisibles à l'oeil nu. En tant qu'une famille active, vous vous retrouvez toujours en contact avec tout ce qui vous entoure, y compris les bactéries de tout genre.
June 2024